Rising Goddess Spiritual News, Events, and Words of Wisdom.
Greetings, everyone! This newsletter edition is dedicated to the upcoming holiday Lammas, or Lughnasadh as it is sometimes called. As July comes to an end, and harvest season begins with the promise of fall lying ahead, let’s learn a little about the upcoming holiday.
Lammas is celebrated on August 1, though in older cultures it was typically celebrated when the sun reached 15 degrees Leo around August 5th. It a festival that celebrates the first harvest, the God Lugh, and the cycle of birth, life, and death.
Lammas itself means “loaf-mass” (from the old english hlaf-maesse) and was called such when the church assimilated Lughnasadh into their religious holiday calender. Typically the first loafs of bread of the season were blessed by the Church. Before that the harvest festival was called “Lughnasadh”, meaning “the Funeral Games of Lugh”, in honor of the God Lugh.
The importance of the holiday may be lost on many in the current day and age because we live in a different time. Today, the harvest may be important for those who have a garden, though not in the same way as those who lived off the land because they had to. When we need a loaf of bread, or the corn does not grow well, we drive to the local market and buy what we need. In times past harvest time was crucial to survival. In Ireland, to harvest before Lughnasadh meant the harvest was poor, while harvesting on the holiday meant the harvest was plentiful and there would be food enough for the winter months ahead.
Many cultures held festivals and performed rituals symbolizing the cycle of life. The birth of the crops (beltain/spring) the maturing of the crops (Litha/summer solstice) and the harvest of the crops (Lughnasadh/Autumn). During Lughnasadh, it was customary to reflect on the bounty of life and a plentiful harvest by making corn husk dolls, celebrate talents and craftsmanship, and have symbolic sacrifice of grains and bread.
The God Lugh
Celebrate Lughnassadh!
What's New at Rising Goddess Goods?
We have a few new items for you, including:
Decorative resin journals to use in spells/BOS
smudge wands
Spiritual Artwork by Local Artists
Reversed Glass Artwork by local artist
Electric Oil Warmers (marble style glass!)
General News
After some discussion and contemplation, we have decided to not sell our goods online at this time. It simply doesn’t fit in with what we believe the shop needs to be. We greatly enjoy meeting you! Those who have visited the shop have enriched our lives. So many new beliefs, ideas, and different ways of seeing our world have allowed us to continue to grow. It is fulfilling to know that we all share a common link no matter which path we follow.
So, to make a long story short, we will be selling primarily in our shop: however, the etched glass and a few other handcrafted wares may be added to Etsy from time to time. If you are unable to make it to the shop, let us know. We would be happy to help! Let us know what you are looking for, and we will try to find the item and work out the shipping.
You can visit our website at http://risinggoddess.webnode.com/, or visit our facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Rising-Goddess-Goods/176232332925
Brightest Blessings to You and Yours!
The Rising Goddess
Apple Candleholders! Why not dress up your candles this Lammas? Wash and dry the fruit thoroughly, then shine it until it gleams. Set the fruit on its bottom, then take a knife where the stem is and start carving it out. You’ll want to go about halfway down inside the fruit to give the candle plenty of support. Widen the hole until it is the same diameter as the candle. Once the hole is finished, pour some lemon juice in and let it set for about 10 minutes. This will keep the apple from browning and turning mushy. After time is up, pour out the lemon juice, dry thoroughly, and place a sprig of your favorite fresh herb in the hole. Add a small amount of wax to the hole to anchor your taper candle, and you’re done! What a lovely way to dress up your altar. (photo and craft can be found at http://paganwiccan.about.com/od/lammas/a/AllAboutLammas.htm. Visit for more holiday rituals, craft ideas, and pagan information.) |
Ritual Cakes and Feast Ideas |
So many ideas can be found online. My favorite sites include: All About Lammas on about.com and Magic Spells on magicspells.in |